You may have been hearing recently about the numerous benefits of diatomaceous earth in beauty, health and wellness circuits, and for good reason: this natural substance has been used for centuries as an effective solution to many common problems relating to beauty, health and the home.
The numerous diatomaceous earth uses, combined with the fact that it is a completely natural and safe substance, has earned itself a loyal following of health experts and home and beauty bloggers alike.
Diatomaceous earth contains 90% silica which, according to, boosts the immune system, prevents heart disease and does wonders for hair, nails and skin. This “miracle” substance comes in powder form, making it very easy to incorporate this ingredient into many different applications.
Its mildly abrasive consistency makes it an effective cleaner for both the body and common household surfaces. Its nutritional content has an incredible number of health benefits. Plus, it successfully deodorizes odors and kills bugs naturally.
In other words, it’s time to believe the hype about this wonder powder. We have compiled a list of 17 incredible uses for diatomaceous earth that can apply to many common needs.
1. Clean And Heal Teeth At The Same Time With This DIY Natural Toothpaste
Thanks to the gently abrasive nature of diatomaceous earth, it makes an incredibly effective ingredient for homemade toothpaste. Simply combine equal parts of diatomaceous earth powder with coconut oil.
This toothpaste will clean teeth extremely well and reduce stains while providing teeth and gums with important nutrition thanks to the high levels of silica which remineralize and heal troubled teeth.
2. Boost Collagen Levels And Fight Physical Signs Of Aging With A Mask
While many women want to reverse the physical signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, few want to go under the knife or undergo expensive injection procedures to smooth out their skin.
Luckily, it has been shown that silica is an incredibly successful remedy to keep skin looking ageless. Regular silica intake boosts collagen production by 50%. Collagen is what keeps skin plump and elastic, resulting in a youthful and line-free appearance.
As diatomaceous earth has an incredibly high level of silica, this powder makes the perfect anti-aging facial mask when combined with coconut oil which will keep skin soft and supple.
3. Say Goodbye To A Cockroach Infestation In Your Home
Diatomaceous earth has been proven to be very successful in getting rid of a cockroach infestation completely. This is great news for those who are concerned about having dangerous chemicals sprayed in their homes that can result in serious physical side effects.
Another bonus is that treating an infestation using this method is significantly less expensive than hiring a professional exterminator.
Cockroaches are repelled by diatomaceous earth and the abrasive powder destroys their exoskeleton while also dehydrating them to death. This method has been shown to work in the long term as the active ingredients in the powder last for a very long time.
To learn more about how to treat a cockroach infestation using diatomaceous earth, watch the video here.
4. Heal Digestive Problems By Taking Diatomaceous Earth Regularly
The healing powers of this substance can resolve numerous digestive problems when taken regularly in the form of a supplement.
Diatomaceous earth has been shown to regulate bowel movements, support healthy digestion and even assist weight loss by boosting metabolism. Some have reported success in using this supplement to kill intestinal parasites.
5. Remove Dead Skin Cells With A Safe And Natural Facial Scrub
Diatomaceous earth, as we have stated previously, has an abrasive texture that is gentle enough to be used on many different surfaces while working effectively.
Therefore, when combining the powder with your favorite facial oil, diatomaceous earth makes an amazing DIY facial scrub that exfoliates gently to remove dead skin cells and other common facial impurities.
As this product is completely natural, you don’t have to worry about the skin irritation that is common with many drugstore facial scrubs, which are loaded with dangerous chemicals.
Related: 25 Homemade Body Scrubs for Smooth and Healthy Skin
6. Detoxify The Body Safely And Effectively
Diatomaceous earth is an incredibly safe and effective way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins which can accumulate over time and wreak havoc on your body in the form of disease.
The reason that this product is so useful in detoxifying the body is because silica has been proven to be very high in antioxidants which flush toxins out of the bloodstream and organs.
It also draws free radicals out of the blood, making it a highly effective way to prevent diseases such as cancer.
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7. Say Goodbye To Body Odor With This DIY Natural Deodorant
Many commercial deodorants contain harmful chemicals which can wreak havoc on your organs when entered through the bloodstream. Therefore, using diatomaceous earth as a natural deodorant is the best way to fight body odor while keeping your body safe and healthy.
Simply combine the diatomaceous earth powder with a natural oil such as coconut or olive oil. Then, massage this mixture into areas where you perspire the most and you’re good to go. The powder will absorb any odors and keep you smelling fresh and feeling dry all day long.
8. Keep Your Garden Thriving With This Natural Pest Killer
Although this substance is completely safe for humans, it is toxic to small insects like slugs and other outdoor pests. Sprinkling diatomaceous earth powder into your garden soil will keep garden pests away for good.
9. Reduce Cholesterol Levels Quickly And Easily
According to a recent study, regular silica intake has been linked to reduced cholesterol levels. This is good news for those who are concerned about the health risks associated with having high levels of cholesterol in the body.
By taking diatomaceous earth supplements daily, you can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease and other common diseases associated with high levels of cholesterol.
10. Improve Function Of The Immune System To Fight Diseases
Needless to say, everyone can benefit from a boosted immune system so that they may keep their bodies free of illnesses. For those looking to boost their immune system naturally, recently published a study that confirms the link between regular silica intake and increased levels of immune system functions.
This means that in order to improve your overall health and responses to various illnesses, taking regular diatomaceous earth supplements will increase your immune system function to fight off whatever comes your way.
11. Keep Your Bones Strong And Resilient
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging in 2007, silica has been proven to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
The study, which spanned 30 years, proved that by taking diatomaceous earth as a daily supplement, you will be providing your bones with the nutrients they need to remain strong and healthy as your body ages.
12. Neutralize Embarrassing Household Odors
Much like baking soda, diatomaceous earth is an incredibly effective way to neutralize pesky household odors that come from places like your refrigerator and garbage can.
Simply set the box in an area from which odors originate or sprinkle the powder in the corners of a room.
13. Say Goodbye To Smelly Litter Boxes Forever
The same way that this substance works as a deodorant or garbage deodorizer, it is also a terrific solution to odors that come from your cat’s litter box. You can safely sprinkle some diatomaceous powder into the litter box to prevent embarrassing odors from developing and overtaking your house.
This powder will not harm your cat, and because they won’t even be able to detect that it’s there, it will not disrupt their litter box habits.
14. Safely Put An End To Head Lice
The abrasive texture of diatomaceous earth powder makes it an excellent solution for chronic head lice. The bodies of the lice will become dehydrated from the silica in the powder and die quickly.
As a recent study has confirmed the ineffectiveness of nearly every commercial lice killer, this comes as especially welcome news.
15. Save Your Pet’s Life With This Safe Flea Killer
Many pets die each year from fleas, and it’s saddening to learn that, according to NBC, many popular flea medications can also take the life of your beloved animals.
Fortunately, diatomaceous earth powder makes a safe yet effective solution to flea problems. The powder dehydrates the fleas and kills them quickly.
16. Say Goodbye To Creepy Spiders Invading Your Home
Just like with garden pests, fleas and lice, diatomaceous earth powder is a great way to get rid of spiders for good. Sprinkle this powder around areas where spiders may enter the home.
Spiders are repelled by the substance and the abrasive texture will damage their bodies and kill them instantly.
17. Stop Hair Loss And Thinning
Silica deficiency has been linked to hair loss and brittle, unhealthy hair. Humans lose approximately 100 hairs a day, but for healthy humans, these hairs grow back. Someone who is deficient in silica will find that their scalp is not producing new hairs to replace the ones it has lost.
By taking diatomaceous earth internally each day, your hair will replenish itself and grow in healthier, stronger, and silkier than ever before.
Give Diatomaceous Earth a Try
As you can see, it’s no wonder that the whole world is remarking on the plethora of diatomaceous earth benefits. With so many incredible proven uses, people are delighted to discover that they can heal their bodies, enhance their appearance and solve many common household problems with just one substance that is completely natural and safe to use.
Plus, it’s extremely affordable. It’s time to believe the hype and learn for yourself how diatomaceous earth can benefit your life immensely.