Have you been struggling with new blemishes popping up every day? Whether you are a teenager or an adult, having acne can be embarrassing and near impossible to cover up. The best way to keep blemishes at bay is to first determine what is causing them to pop up in the first place. Once you know why you are getting breakouts, it will be easier to find a method to treat them.
There are a few reasons you could be experiencing frequent breakouts, but there are lots of ways you can treat your skin. Once you get your current breakout cleared up, the best thing you can do is find ways to prevent it from happening again. Below you will learn what causes blemishes, remedies to treat them, and how to prevent more blemishes from appearing in the future.
What Causes Blemishes?
Though it may seem random, blemishes can appear for many reasons. Once you determine the cause of your acne, you can create a plan of action to treat it and then prevent it. Below are some of the most common reasons people get breakouts.
Excess Oil Production
When your skin produces excess oil, it increases the chances of your pores being clogged and getting inflamed. This is especially common in teenagers due to the hormones called androgens.
Even if you are not a teenager, hormones can still play a big role in the cause of your blemishes. Pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause can cause hormonal fluctuations that worsen acne. Taking birth control pills or using other methods of birth control can also affect hormones.
You may find that eating certain foods trigger an acne flare up. Limit foods high in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread can help reduce the occurrence of blemishes. Eat a diet high in veggies, fiber and lots of water.
If you struggle with getting blemishes as an adult, it may be from a medication you are taking. Switching birth control brands may do the trick. Make an appointment with your doctor to find out what your options are.
When you are feeling stressed, your body ramps up the inflammation markers in your body. Lack of sleep is sometimes associated with stress, which can also raise inflammation. Reducing your stress or anxiety and getting good sleep can help clear up your skin.
10 Blemish Remedies
Now you may know what is causing your breakouts, but are wondering what you can do right now to treat it. We have compiled the top 10 blemish remedies so you can clear up your skin quickly and efficiently.
1. Toothpaste
Toothpaste that contains essential oils such as peppermint oil can help absorb excess moisture from your skin. Apply a dab of toothpaste over all the bumps you are trying to clear up before bed and rinse it off in the morning for best results. Let the toothpaste work its magic for at least an hour if you do not want to sleep with toothpaste on your face.
2. Ice
Usually, our instinct when we see a zit pop up is to pop it. If done incorrectly, this can irritate your skin even more and create more breakouts, and potentially leave scars. Instead, you want to reduce the inflammation. When other parts of our body are inflamed, it is often recommended that we use ice to reduce it. Applying ice to your acne can reduce redness and inflammation by improving your blood circulation. Ice also tightens your pores while removing excess dirt and oil on your skin.
3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C which is known to be good for the skin. Use fresh lemon juice with no preservatives to clear up your skin quickly. Take a cotton swab to dab lemon juice over your zits and then rinse off after about 15 minutes. Not only does lemon juice help clear up acne, but it helps with hyperpigmentation. Using lemon juice as a part of your daily skincare routine can reduce acne and diminish the red marks that blemishes leave behind.
4. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that are powerful acne fighters. Tea tree oil also contains soothing properties to help reduce redness and inflammation. Use a cotton ball to absorb tea tree oil and then rub it over the affected area. If you have sensitive skin, however, you may want to avoid using this method.
5. Tomatoes
Rich in antioxidants, tomatoes are great for treating acne. Crush a tomato and rub the pulp gently all over your skin in a circular motion. To get the most benefit from tomatoes, leave it on your skin for at least 15 minutes. Once you have given the tomatoes time to sink into your skin, rinse your face with lukewarm water.
6. Baking Soda
Baking soda works wonders when balancing the PH of the skin and removing the dead skin cells that are trapped inside your pores. For best results, create a mask from baking soda by mixing it with olive oil. Apply the mask to your face, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off to remove dirt and impurities from your pores.
7. Steam
Steam is always beneficial for your skin as it causes your pores to open and breathe. Fill a bowl with boiling water, and place a towel over your head so that the steam hits your face, being careful so that the steam does not burn your face. Allow the steam to open your pores for a few minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Dry your face and apply an oil-free moisturizer.
8. Honey
Honey has been known to clear up infections and works well to heal acne. Not only can honey speed up the healing process, but it may help prevent more pimples from showing up in the future. Use a cotton swab to dab honey over your zits and let it sit for about a half an hour. Rinse your face with lukewarm water. Repeat as needed throughout the day.
9. Cucumber
Cucumbers aren’t just for covering your eyes at the spa. Rich in powerful vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, cucumber works wonders for your skin. To create a cucumber mask, grind up one cucumber until it is in a liquid state. Apply cucumber to your face and let it dry for at least 15 minutes. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
10. Banana Peel
Banana peels are rich in antioxidants and potassium and can help fight inflammation and redness. Peel a ripe banana and gently rub the inside of the peel over your skin for about 15 minutes. Repeat as necessary throughout the day.
Blemish Prevention
So now you probably have a good idea of why you are experiencing acne. Once you use the above methods to clear your skin, the best way to treat acne is to prevent it. Below are techniques you can use to keep blemishes away once and for all!
Have a Daily Skincare Routine
Making sure you are sufficiently cleansing your skin daily is one of the best ways you can avoid having breakouts. The key is finding methods that cleanse the skin without irritating it. Opt for oil-free and water-based cleansers and avoid anything that contains alcohol. While alcohol-based cleansers may help dry oily skin initially, they can go overboard and make things worse in the long run. If you are having trouble creating a regimen that works for you, contact a skin care professional who can help you choose the right products for your skin.
Exfoliate Weekly
Leftover dead skin cells can clog pores and cause breakouts. Use an exfoliating cleanser to remove excess dead skin cells from your pores weekly for best results. Not exfoliating enough will allow dead skin cells to block pores, but exfoliating more than once a week can irritate the skin and cause further breakouts. Moderation is key here.
Reduce Stress
Now you know stress and anxiety can trigger breakouts, do your best to reduce it. Not only does stress itself cause breakouts, but sleep deprivation from the stress can cause acne. Even if you are not stressed but have poor sleep, you may still be at risk. Your best bet is to incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine. It is also important to take steps in ensuring a good night’s sleep.
No matter how old you are, acne is never a fun experience. The issue many people face is a lack of knowledge regarding what is causing their acne. Even when people can pinpoint a cause, they struggle with knowing how to treat the issue. Blemishes can appear for many reasons, from lifestyle habits to medications you are taking. Once you know what is causing them, you can take preventative action to keep your breakouts from coming back. In the meantime, there are many natural remedies listed above so you can keep your skin clean and fresh!
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