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When we aren’t living a healthy lifestyle, our bodies can become full of harmful toxins. These toxins make us sick, causes us to feel fatigued, and prevent us from living a healthy lifestyle.
There are many ways that these toxins can be removed, but one of the most popular ways is through activated charcoal. Although activated charcoal may seem like something you want to stay far far away from your body, it actually has many benefits.
Whether you’re already a fan of activated charcoal and you’re looking for some new uses for the product or this is your first introduction to the substance, here are thirteen awesome ways to use activated charcoal.
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1. Use Activated Charcoal in Your Next Cleanse
If you’re feeling weighed down by toxins, the best way to remove them effectively is through a digestive cleanse. There are many ingredients that can help you cleanse, including activated charcoal.
Specifically, activated charcoal benefits include removing toxins from the digestive track to increase energy and mental function.
Bulletproof recommends activated charcoal cleanses if you are trying to remove toxins from your gut. One recommended way to do so is by taking about ten grams an hour and half before eating a meal.
During your cleanse, which should last about two days, you should eat fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats, and wild fish.
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2. Relieve Gas and Bloating with Activated Charcoal
In addition to removing toxins from your digestive system, activated charcoal can also alleviate gas and bloating. When the activated charcoal passes through your digestive track, it will bind with byproducts from meals that may cause gas.
To get the most gas-reducing benefits from activated charcoal, you will want to take about 500 milligrams before you eat a meal or food that typically gives you gas.
The optimal time to take the pill is about on hour before you eat. Be sure to drink a full glass of water with the activated charcoal and another full glass while eating.
3. Use Activated Charcoal Rid Your Body of Dangerous Molds
When we think about mold, we usually fear it appearing on our food or in our homes. Rarely do we consider that it may actually be growing in our bodies.
If toxic mold is present in our system, we can experience serious side effects such as heart disease, kidney or liver failure, and severe respiratory distress.
However, including activated charcoal in your supplement stack can be a great way to fight off the mold and remove it from your body.
In the same way that it removes particles that can cause digestive issues and bloating, the activated charcoal will attach to the mold and pull it from our bodies.
4. Use Activated Charcoal if You Are Poisoned
We all fear our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or other little ones getting into something they shouldn’t. But in the event that someone consumes something they shouldn’t, activated charcoal can be a great way to remove the poison from their body.
A study done at the University of Michigan suggests adults should consume 50 to 100 grams of activated charcoal in the event of an overdose or poisoning and children should take between 10 and 25 grams. Keep in mind that activated charcoal does not replace the need to go to a hospital and see a professional.
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5. Create an Activated Charcoal Face Mask to Fight Acne
Activated charcoal is an active ingredient in many commercial products for fighting acne. This is because activated charcoal can pull the dirt and toxins from your skin that cause you to break out.
If you would like to create an activated charcoal mask at home, the recipe is simple. Take about 5 milligrams or one teaspoon of powder and add a few drops of water to create a paste.
You can also add honey or aloe, then apply it to your face or troubled areas. After 5 to 10 minutes, rinse clean.
Related: 16 Homemade Face Masks Recipes That Will Give You Gorgeous Skin
6. Give Your Hair a Detox with a DIY Shampoo
Activated charcoal also makes a great detoxifying shampoo. If your hair is feeling limp or has a layer of oil that you can’t seem to remove, add about a teaspoon of activated charcoal powder to a regular amount of shampoo.
If you have light colored hair, you will want to be careful about using the dark powder on your scalp. If you do not properly rinse the powder away, you may have slight discoloration. Remember to rinse well.
7. Activated Charcoal Can Help You Get a Sparkling Smile
Just about everyone dreams of having a whiter smile, but chemical whiteners can damage a tooth’s health. However, Wellness Mama claims activated charcoal is a great way to naturally whiten teeth.
To whiten your teeth with activated charcoal, simply dip your tooth brush in the powder and brush your teeth as normal. You will want to brush with the activated charcoal for about two full minutes.
8. Relieve Itching and Discomfort with Activated Charcoal
If you’ve been bit by a mosquito, snake, or spider, activated charcoal can help remove the toxins that cause itching or inflammation. This can help keep the area clean and free of infection or other potential damage.
It can also help to relieve the pain and discomfort commonly associated with these kinds of bites.
Mix about one capsule full of activated charcoal with about half a tablespoon of coconut oil. This will create a paste-like substance that you can dab on wounds and bites.
Apply a generous amount and cover with a bandage. Change the bandage and activated charcoal mixture every half hour to an hour.
9. Use Activated Charcoal to Slow Down the Aging Process
While there may be no true fountain of youth, activated charcoal can help you appear younger and slow down the aging process. The toxic chemicals that find their way into our bodies can actually cause us to appear older and our bodies more damaged.
Because activated charcoal pulls those toxins out of our bodies, they can’t do the same damage to our skin and organs. Instead, we will remain happy and healthy for years to come.
10. Create a Natural Eyeliner
While there are many health benefits that activated charcoal can bring you and your family, it can also become your new favorite beauty product. Activated charcoal makes a great eyeliner or eye shadow.
To use the product as makeup, simply dip a makeup brush in water then in the activated charcoal. For individuals with sensitive eyes, saline solution can replace the water.
11. Add Activated Charcoal to Your Favorite Exfoliating Scrub
If you’re a fan of a good scrub but want to use natural products, activated charcoal is a great go-to option.
To create your own scrub, Live Simply recommends mixing about a third of a cup of cane sugar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and half a teaspoon of powder. You can also add an essential oil for scent or extra benefit.
Related: 25 Homemade Body Scrubs for Smooth and Healthy Skin
12. Reduce Body Odor with a DIY Deodorant
If you’re a fan of anything DIY, you’ve probably given DIY deodorant a shot. If you’re a fan of deodorant creams, activated charcoal is a great addition to your favorite recipe.
For those who haven’t tried a DIY deodorant you can use this recipe. Take about 4 tablespoons of your favorite coconut oil and mix in 2 teaspoons of activated charcoal powder. You will also need a third of a cup of both starch and baking soda.
13. Create a Stomach-Calming Smoothie
As we’ve mentioned, activated charcoal is best recognized for removing toxins and harmful ingredients from our stomachs, guts, and digestive systems. This means it is also great for helping with upset stomachs.
A great way to consume the activated charcoal is in smoothie form. Mixing the activated charcoal powder with fresh fruits and vegetables can give your body a boost of vitamins to promote health.
Just add a capsule’s worth of activated charcoal powder into your favorite smoothie recipe anytime your stomach is feeling upset.
Experience Activated Charcoal Today For Yourself
If you’re considering a detox or you’re just feeling like you could be a bit healthier, consider giving activated charcoal a try. As a powerful substance that can pull harmful toxins from our bodies, it is always a smart idea to keep some activated charcoal in your home in case of emergencies.
These are just thirteen of the many, many ways you can use activated charcoal. If you felt that something on this list stood out to you, give it a try!
Create a list of all the things you would like to use activated charcoal for and start trying them out. Soon you may find that activated charcoal is one of your favorite products to keep in your medicine cabinet.
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