With more than 300 beneficial ingredients, why wouldn’t you take turmeric daily? This little spice can fight cancer, reduce inflammation, and so much more. Turmeric comes from the rhizome of a plant of the ginger family.
Ginger, like turmeric, also has many health benefits. Turmeric is a tropical plant that is mostly found in Asia, India, and China.
It’s been used in the Middle East for thousands of years. If you thought this culinary spice was just for cooking, guess again.
Once I did some research for myself, I am overwhelmed by all the data that shows all the benefits of this spice. Adding just 500 milligrams, two times a day can totally change your life.
Here are 15 reasons why you need turmeric.
Fights Cancer
Turmeric is used a lot in Asian cooking, but due to its bright hue, it’s also used to dye clothing. However, did you ever think that this yellow spice could fight cancer?
Dr. Mercola, an expert on cancer, says that turmeric selectively targets cancer cells.
Unlike chemotherapy, turmeric doesn’t kill the good cells along with the bad. Additionally, it can be used synergistically with certain chemotherapy drugs for added benefit.
Since it affects more than 100 different molecular pathways, it stops cancer from spreading. Also, it can be used for every type of cancer known to man.
Can Treat Parkinson’s Disease
Mike Barrett is an expert in getting healthy through nature. His recent article about turmeric helping Parkinson’s disease was thought-provoking. I, personally, know the devastation that comes with this condition.
However, new research shows that turmeric can give these patients a better quality of life. One of the elements of this spice is curcumin, which is a natural phenol. Protein aggregation is a big problem with this disease, which causes impairments to the brain.
Though, curcumin works to stop the clumping and aggregation of these proteins to allow normal brain function. While testing is still in its preliminary phases, the results look promising.
Fights Depression and Anxiety
According to AADA, more than 40 million people in this country suffer from anxiety and depression. Many are put on antidepressant medications, which have a plethora of side effects and often stop working.
Many are turning to holistic methods to cure their mental health issues.
Stress, whether physical or mental, can cause inflammation in the brain. This spice can balance mood disorders by reducing the inflammation in the brain.
Turmeric has antidepressant properties, is neuro protective, and it increases dopamine levels.
Nature may provide the best answer for this crippling condition, and the side effect profile is little to none.
Relieves Pain
The University of Arizona did a study regarding the pain relieving benefits of turmeric, and their results were overwhelming. First, they gave rats a substance that made their joints swell and cause pain.
They treated one group with turmeric, and they treated the other group with traditional anti-inflammatory medications.
The rats that were fed turmeric showed a positive reduction in inflammation. They showed no side effects and were able to resume normal activities.
The other rats clearly struggled. Researchers believe that formation of new blood vessels is the key here.
Turmeric helps to form new vessels and to promote healing. Inflammation of the body can cause devastating effects, but turmeric seems to erase and swelling, and the trouble is caused.
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Prevents Blood Clotting
Blood clots are a serious matter. If you have a problem with clotting, then you know all about the anticoagulant drugs that are made to prevent it. However, these drugs come with scary side effects.
It’s a catch 22. If you don’t take the pills you may have a clot break off, but if you do take the pills, you can bleed out.
Turmeric may solve all your problems. Because this spice is high in high in salicylates, it can prevent the blood from clotting. It acts as a blood thinner.
It shouldn’t be taken two weeks before surgery or with any other blood thinning medications.
Treats Heartburn
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or G.E.R.D is caused by an overproduction of acid in the stomach. The acid works its way up the esophagus and causes a burning sensation known as heartburn.
The first course of action is to take an over-the-counter medication to reduce the acid production.
When the quick fix no longer works, many head to their doctor for a prescription. Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs or PIP shut down certain acid pumps in the stomach.
However, the dangers of the constant use of these drugs are coming to the forefront. Turmeric can do what the PIP drugs do without all the side effects.
Turmeric suppresses the production of acid, and it can even help protect the intestine walls. It’s very affordable, and there is no need to worry about long-term side effects either.
Stops Gas
One of the main benefits of turmeric is that it purifies the blood. It helps the body by aiding in the digestive process. Those who suffer from indigestion and bloating, as well as gas, can feel instant relief.
Because it works so well on heartburn, it also helps to stop gas. Many people don’t have G.E.R.D but rather have gastritis. This condition produces excessive gas, but it all comes from gut problems and feels like heartburn.
Just take the pills 1/2 hour prior to eating, and it can stop any indigestion issues before they start.
Cures Metabolic Syndrome/Pre-diabetes
More than 100 million Americans are classified as diabetic or pre-diabetic. More than 37 percent of people who don’t treat their high blood sugar numbers will develop diabetes.
How does this spice help? Well, it stops the progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes.
Curcumin, an ingredient in turmeric, is a bioactive constituent that allows a person to have better blood sugar control, increased insulin sensitivity, and their overall Beta cell function is improved too.
Balances Hormones In Menopause
From PMS to hot flashes, this miracle spice is helping women across the world. Part of the problems with menopause is the hormones become unbalanced. Women often seek refuge in estrogen supplements. However, the risk of cancer with these supplements is too great.
There is another option that doesn’t have the drawbacks. Turmeric can help with PMS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, and other female issues. By balancing the hormone levels, many of the problems women face become a thing of the past.
Can Help You Loose Weight
Turmeric can be a wonder spice when it comes to weight loss. The plant-based polyphenol compounds of turmeric, Curcumin, is a strong fat suppressant.
It can regulate the body’s metabolism, curb weight gain, and lead to successful weight management.
Obesity is associated with inflammation. Fat cells produce “cytokine” molecules, which is known to cause organ inflammation. A substantial number of these cells can be suppressed with turmeric.
A few pills each day may be able to undo the adverse consequences of obesity.
Treats UTI and Other Bacterial Infections
About 90 percent of urinary tract infections are caused from a bacterium called E Coli. The presence of this bacteria causes the bladder to become inflamed. Within the body, NF kappa-B is responsible for irritating the bladder lining.
This spice simply stops the body from making it. The strong antioxidant properties of turmeric can rid infection from the body, but it can also make sure the bacteria doesn’t get there anyway.
Bacteria are washed from the urinary tracks by taking a regular dose of this spice.
Provides Optic Nerve Health
Remember, turmeric is known for reducing inflammation in the body. Glaucoma is an inflammation of the optic nerve.
The pressure builds up inside the eyes and can burst. Since turmeric works to reduce pressure, it can relieve this troublesome condition.
Consider all the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune-modulation properties of this spice. The neuroprotective action of turmeric goes into action.
The neuro-protection properties cannot be ignored.
Can Ease The Symptoms of Lupus and Other Auto-Immune Conditions
More than 5 million people in the world suffer from Lupus. This auto-immune condition causes the body to attack itself. Lupus doesn’t just affect one organ, rather, it affects the whole body.
It’s estimated that 1.5 million Americans are affected by lupus. The major concern with this illness is the autoantibodies.
These autoantibodies attack the nucleus and destroy the cells, which is what causes an organ to have a flare-up. Some common problems of lupus are endocarditis, pleuritis, vasculitis, and nephritis.
Doctors treat this condition with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, and immunosuppressant drugs, which all come with a plethora of side effects.
This spice inhibits the activity of autoantibodies. It works by regulating the activity of inflammatory agents, which activates pathways in the immune cells.
There is no cure for lupus, but turmeric can help with cell health and inflammation. It can also reduce lesions, prevented the increase in lymphocytes, lessen the production of autoantibodies, and reduced kidney damage.
Promotes Heart Health
I am just amazed at all the benefits of curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric. Once again, this ingredient does wonders for the heart. For starters, it eliminates plaque from the blood vessels.
As stated above, it reduces the chance of blood clots.
When the blood is freely flowing through the veins, there are no problems with clotting or plaque build-up. Just three weeks of taking this spice on a regular basis can drastically improve heart health.
Helps Improve Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are among the cruelest diseases that affect seniors. Scientists have yet to find a cure for this debilitating condition. One of the common issues they discovered with the illness is a low level of the growth hormones.
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors (BDNF) is almost always seen in a disease where there are memory problems. Shockingly enough, they have hardcore evidence that curcumin controls this level of hormones. In return, it prevents age-related brain functional problems and brain diseases.
I, for one, am overwhelmed the research that has gone into this spice. If it can do all that scientists claims, then it may be the miracle pill for many conditions.
Adding Turmeric For Health
The internet is full of stories of people whose life has been changed thanks to this spice. While modern medicine seems to have come so far, why is it that, so many are turning back to the old methods that were used thousands of years ago?
It seems that there is something to ancient wisdom, and using Mother Earth and her bounty, to help cure what ails you.
Since it has such a low side effect profile, you have nothing to lose and health to gain, by trying this herb. If you want to find out more about this amazing spice, then click here to watch a video.