When it comes to painful and frustrating sexually transmitted diseases, genital warts are at the top of the list. Genital warts, much like other warts, spread through skin contact. If one partner has genital warts and comes in contact with another individual, there is a good chance it will transfer over.
Because of how the skin folds onto itself around the genital area, warts are likely to spread across that area. This means that if you suffer from genital warts, you more than likely have more than just one wart. It will spread and continue to multiple. It also opens the possibility of spreading to other areas of your body. Therefore, it is very important to know how to get rid of genital warts.
If genital warts are not taken care of early on, they will spread and become incredibly painful. You may need to seek medical attention to remove the warts. In these cases, the doctor may use freezing techniques to freeze off the skin. They may also use a laser to remove the warts.
Neither of these techniques are comfortable; they can actually be quite painful. This is especially true for women as genital warts typically develop internally. Such makes it more of a challenge to remove and becomes extra painful as well.
If you find yourself suffering from genital warts or have noticed a wart appear, it is important to take advantage of one of the following methods for how to get rid of genital warts. You should do so sooner rather than later. Using one or more of the methods below can help you remove the wart and take care of the situation before it spreads.
Home Remedies for How to Get Rid of Genital Warts
1. Green Tea
If you want to know how to get rid of genital warts, natural treatments are a good way to start. The first home remedy is green tea. When using green tea, you want to take advantage of an extract that has a 10 to 15 percent concentration. You will then apply the extract to the wart. You can also apply the concentration to a cotton ball and secure it onto the genital warts as well. It is important to go with a higher level of concentration; otherwise, it may not prove beneficial for the situation.
2. Vitamin C
If you’re not taking a daily Vitamin C supplement, you should consider doing so. Vitamin C helps boost your immune system. It reduces the length of time you suffer from a cold and may stop you from catching a cold in the first place. In looking for ways on how to get rid of genital warts, Vitamin C is at the foreground.
However, you need to do more than just pop the supplement in your mouth. You need to take the tablet, crush it up and mix it into water until it reaches a thick consistency. Then, apply it to the wart and place a bandage over it. When you apply any topical solutions, you’ll want to leave it overnight and then wash off in the morning
3. Tea Tree Oil
When researching how to get rid of genital warts, you will see that tea tree oil is a beneficial remedy. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory traits, as well as antiseptic and antifungal elements.
When compared to the other treatments on this list, tea tree oil is one of the very best. To use tea tree oil, you need to combine it with a carrier oil and then place it directly onto the wart.
4. Castor Oil
Castor oil is a bit tricky to use as it has a sticky consistency. However, this also helps it stick to the wart and prevents it from drying out too quickly. The castor oil can be dabbed with a cotton ball and then placed onto the wart.
With the castor oil and cotton ball in place, simply tap it down and leave it in place overnight. It can be mixed with garlic to increase its ability to treat your genital warts.
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5. Witch Hazel
If you want to know how to get rid of genital warts, look no further than witch hazel. To use it, simply take distilled witch hazel and place it on the wart, leaving it there for 15 minutes or so. You can either lay down with it applied in place or use a cotton ball to secure it to the wart. You should do this at least twice a day until the wart has disappeared.
It is important to remember that you can not consume witch hazel. Do not drink it or consume it in any way. Instead, use it externally. You can also use witch hazel in between some other treatments. You do not need to leave it on for very long, as with the other treatments on this list. Witch hazel can actually help speed up the wart removal process.
6. Garlic
When looking for ways on how to get rid of genital warts, you may be surprised to see garlic on the list. Garlic doesn’t just taste great on just about everything, but it also has incredibly powerful benefits. You can mix garlic with some other oils, if you’d like, to amplify the potency. However, if you choose to use only garlic, you’ll want to crush up several cloves into a paste.
You can even purchase jarred garlic paste to make it easier. Then, apply it directly to the wart and leave it on for a few hours. When the garlic dries out, you can replace it or leave the original application on the wart for several days.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an especially healthy addition to your diet. In can help increase your metabolism and improve the quality of your skin. However, in terms of correcting your genital warts, the apple cider vinegar needs to be applied to the warts.
The acidity of the vinegar helps treat the wart. To use apple cider vinegar, simply take a cotton ball, dip it into the vinegar, and place it onto the wart. Secure the cotton to the wart and leave it on overnight; rinse off in the morning.
8. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera does wonders for your skin. It can help soothe the feeling of genital warts and help dissolve warts. Unlike apple cider vinegar, aloe vera does not use acidity to play a factor in helping get rid of warts. Apply the aloe juice to the wart and work it into the area.
As is the case with all the products on the list, make sure to wash your hands afterward. It is best to use medical gloves when applying the agents as well, as it will help you avoid spreading the warts to your hands.
9. Olive Leaf
Olive leaf can be used for more than just Greek foods. There are antiviral properties found within the leaf that make it beneficial in treating genital warts. There are a few ways you can take advantage of olive leaf. To begin, you should consider drinking olive leaf tea throughout the day. It helps stimulate your immune system which, in turn, will combat the infection.
You’ll want to consume up to 500 mg of olive leaf extract every day to get the full effects of olive leaf tea. If you decide to make natural olive leaf tea with the leaves instead of an extract, add a teaspoon of leaves to a cup of water, let it steep for 10 minutes, and then drink up to four cups per day. You can apply the extract directly to the warts to help as well. You may reap more benefits with applying a different one of these treatments onto the wart and just drink the tea.
10. Onion
The acidity in an onion is helpful in targeting genital warts and removing it from your skin. You’ll want to take a fresh onion and slice off several pieces. Now, place the slivers of onion onto the wart and secure it with medical tape and gauze.
You can also purchase onion juice, or you can grate the onion, place it into a cheesecloth and squeeze the excess out. Then, simply place the liquid onto the wart.
There are a number of different options available to you when it comes to home remedies for removing genital warts. Genital warts can be uncomfortable and somewhat painful. Warts are also unsightly and can spread to people you come in contact with, not to mention other areas of your body. In order to avoid this, you need to take advantage of one of these methods to help get rid of the genital warts.
Please note that you need to continually apply these products every day for them to really help. It will also take time; but eventually, the warts will clear up or fall off (which is the case with an acidity based treatment). However, if you use these different products and do not see any results, seek medical attention from a professional. They will give you additional options for how to remove genital warts and help you live a more comfortable life.
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