Rashes of any kind are not just frustrating but often itchy and annoying. The skin breaks out into a red, blotchy appearance and, until you take care of the rash, or at the least reduce what is causing the rash, you’ll likely continue to deal with it. If you have a rash under breast condition, there are a few common culprits behind this. It likely isn’t because of your diet or anything you’re physically doing (outside of sweating), but there are still a few adjustments you can make to help reduce the rashes. If you already have a rash under breast situation going on, you’ll want to take advantage of one of these 10 home remedies. You’ll likely have some of these items already at your home. Many of them you can do in the comfort of your own home and others you may perform even while at work, just to help sooth the itchy feeling of the rash (and to help the rash go away faster).
What Causes a Rash Under Breast?
Image via: Flickr
If you currently have a rash under breast condition, it likely is caused by a few different issues. First, the skin of your breast is rubbing against the skin of your upper chest. Moisture becomes locked between the two and then friction causes the development of the rash. This does not differ from a rash that might develop between thighs or anywhere else on the body when skin is constantly brushing up against other skin. Constant friction will almost always lead to rashes on the body.
10 Home Remedies
Image via: Flickr
If you are suffering from a rash under breast issue, there are several ways you can go about correcting the situation and restoring the skin under your breast. Here are 10 home remedies you can take advantage of.
1. Change Your Clothing
The rash will appear because your body sweats, and your body likely sweats because of what you’re wearing. Switch to a clothing that is lightweight. Cotton also helps pull moisture from your body. You can use a bra that is made from cotton to help (and if you have larger breasts cotton with some under-wire will help elevate the skin off of your chest while also wicking away the sweat).
2. Cold Compress
This helps sooth the skin, which likely is feeling hot and burning a bit at the moment. Place ice in a plastic bag than wrap a thin towel around it (you can also use a cotton t-shirt). Place it against the skin and hold it here for 10 minutes. You can also take cold baths, which is good for reducing inflammation and improving blood flow (there’s a reason professional athletes take ice baths after a game).
3. Cornstarch
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When it comes to reducing a burning and itchy feeling, cornstarch is a great option. To use cornstarch you’ll want to take a shower and wash the skin under your breast. Towel dry off the skin and then add a light dusting of cornstarch. Do this twice a day. Of course, you can also use Gold Bond powder here, as the two work in a similar way (although cornstarch is usually less expensive and you won’t have the powdery-chemical smell to it).
4. Vinegar
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Whether you use white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar is up to you. Vinegar is great for correcting most skin conditions. Take a half cup of vinegar and mix it into a bucket of hot, soapy water. Wash the under skin of your breasts with this water as it will help remove the bacteria and improve the healing process.
5. Calamine Lotion
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This is a soothing ingredient that will help the rash under breast condition. Wash and dry the area, then dip a cotton ball into the calamine lotion. Apply the lotion directly to the affected area of skin, allowing it to dry. Do this a few times a day until you no longer have the rash.
6. Coconut Oil
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Coconut oil is one of the best options when it comes to anything affecting your skin. It is great for rashes around your body and improves moisture retention in the skin. All you need to do is take coconut oil and massage it into the affected skin. Do this at least twice a day. In fact, you may love the way your skin feels so much after your skin has healed that you continue to use coconut oil even after your skin is better.
7. Tea Tree Oil
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Tea tree oil has been used in parts of Australia to heal skin conditions for centuries. It is basically Australia’s aloe vera. It has an antifungal element in it, which is helpful when it comes to a skin rash. You can purchase it in a pure form, in which you’ll take a few drops and mix it with a few drops of olive oil. Dip a cotton ball to the mixture and apply it to your skin, then massage it into the skin (use your fingers, not the cotton ball), allowing it to absorb into your skin. The best time to use it is right after a shower.
8. Aloe Vera
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Speaking of aloe vera, this is one of the best items to use when it comes to skin conditions (and it is readily available). Take the aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area, leaving it in place for around 20 minutes. There’s no need to wash it off as the skin will absorb it.
9. Garlic
In terms of skin conditions, garlic is a fantastic home remedy thanks to the antifungal and antiseptic aspects of the garlic. It’s up to you whether you want the area under your breasts smelling like garlic, but if you want to clear up the skin issue quickly, this is the way to go. Take garlic, soak in olive oil overnight, then crush and apply the juice to your skin for several hours a day.
10. Lemon
This works like the vinegar does. Just dilute it to reduce the stinging sensation. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with three tablespoons of water, then apply to your skin and pat dry.
Image via: Flickr
The rash under breast issue will typically occur because your breast is sitting against the skin of your upper chest and moisture becomes locked in between. The skin of your breast will move one way and the skin of your chest will move another way, causing the rash. This is no different than rashes you might experience on other parts of your body due to the same issues (skin against skin). There are a few ways you can go about reducing, or cutting out the rash under breast issue.
Better Bra
The first issue it to find a better bra. You need something that fits snuggly and will lift the breast over the other skin. Most women are not properly fitted with their bras (especially larger breasted women). There’s a good chance you are not wearing the correct sized bra because you haven’t had a proper measurement and fitting in a while.
For a proper measurement, visit a high-end bra and underwear store. Some employees on hand may give you a good measurement. Go to a specialty bra shop in your area. These shops may specialize in extra large bras, or just custom bras built specifically for the wearer. You don’t need to buy a bra from them, but having an accurate measurement will help with finding the right bra.
If you have a rash under breast problem, you probably have larger breasts, which means you’ll also likely need to wear a bra with an underwire. For many, this is uncomfortable, but the discomfort can be reduced (or eliminated) with a better fitting, higher quality bra, as the wire won’t poke into your skin, all while giving you the proper support you need.
Diet and Exercise
For women, fat storage often ends up in the breasts and backside first. While everyone is different as people gain weight fat will be stored in specific areas. If necessary (it may be best to consult your doctor), diet and exercise can help reduce the amount of fatty tissue stored in your breast, which helps reduce the amount of weight pushing down from your breasts onto your chest, which reduces the rash problem.
Shower and Moisturize
Shower regularly and wash the skin under your breast. This will help rid the area of any dead skin and bacteria that will develop in folds of the skin. You’ll also want to moisturize. Failure to moisturize the area can cause cracked skin, which increases the friction of breasts on skin. This also boosts the possibility of suffering from a skin rash.
A rash under breast issue is a painful situation. It not only becomes itchy but it may hurt just to put a bra on. That is exactly why you need to do what you can in order to take care of the situation and restore your skin. By taking advantage of these 10 homemade remedies, you won’t have to deal with the skin rash under your breast again.
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