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Are you worried about acne or wrinkles on your skin? Or does your weak immune system make you fall sick frequently? Or is it your heart’s health that concerns you?
If you silently nodded reading these, you should perhaps know about the benefits of hemp seed oil. Read this article and thank me later.
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Boost your immunity with a dash of globulin which is present in hemp seed oil
Hemp seed oil supplies your body with globulin starting material. This means that your immune system has sufficient resources to produce disease fighting antibodies. Extracted from high fiber seeds, the hemp seed oil helps you keep your gastro system regular.
Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and GLA (gamma linolenic acid) regulate the intestinal flora, balance inflammation levels naturally and boost your digestive health. This way your body becomes more resilient and keeps the harmful microbes out.
Enjoy a daily dose of hemp seed oil to improve hormonal health
Hemp seed oil is rich in GLA which is a core component of prostaglandins like PEG1. These hormone-like compounds are vital for bodily functions, maintaining hormonal balance, improving menopausal health and bringing pre menstrual stress (PMS, also called PMT) under control.
Several experts at Nature’s Market believe that a hormonal imbalance occurs due to lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 and omega-6 in your diet.
Hemp seed oil has the perfect balance of these EFAs (and essential amino acids) which can substantially reduce any hormonal imbalance.
Rejuvenate your skin with a spoonful of hemp seed oil
Hemp seed oil is rich in EFA’s which like the skin lipids, improve moisture and gives your dry and flaky skin a new life. It also increases the elasticity of your skin by lubricating it beneath the surface.
It doesn’t coat your skin as you might have been thinking. It simply penetrates into deeper layers and locks the moisture there thus improving skin quality.
The antioxidants present in the oil makes your skin look young. Hemp seed oil helps in improving water retention capacity of tissues which gives you wrinkle free and smooth skin. You can have a spoonful every day or prepare a concoction.
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Lower the level of cholesterol in your system lower is the risk of a heart stroke
In a study conducted by the American Physiological Society, researchers observed that hemp seed oil could provide significant protection against heart strokes.
The EFA’s present in the oil can lower the cholesterol level by speeding up the metabolic processes. This means that fats in your body burn at a faster rate and your arteries do not clog.
The fats present in hemp seeds prevent blood clotting as well. They also contain tocopherols (called vitamin E generally) which can significantly lower the risk of degenerative heart diseases.
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Hemp seed oil speeds up healing skin conditions from within
Researchers have found that hemp seed oil can be vital in treating skin disorders like atopic dermatitis, that is, eczema, psoriasis, inflammation, and rashes. The perfect balance of EFAs Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the oil promote healing.
A research study undertaken at the University of Kuopio in Finland asserted that consumption of hemp seed oil improves the symptoms of eczema by reducing itching and enhancing the quality of the dry skin.
You can also use it externally by preparing a mixture with a few drops lavender oil to reduce inflammation and rashes.
Have a tablespoon hemp seed oil a day to keep joint pain away
We’ve talked about the perfect balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids in hemp seed oil. This can also provide anti-arthritis effects.
A research paper published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology concluded that treatment of joint pains with hemp seed oil “lowered survival rate of fibroblast-like synovial cells.”
Presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) along with EFAs and GLA can help reduce inflammation. For treating joint pain, you can take a tbsp of hemp seed oil with fish oil on a daily basis.
Lose weight with a GLA-rich breakfast
If you crave for sweet stuff all the time but are worried about your calorie intake, then hemp seed oil can work wonders for you. The healthy fatty acids are natural appetite suppressants and curb excess hunger during the day.
The GLA content in hemp seed oil will help you reduce sugar cravings and thus lower your daily calorie intake. You can add hemp seed oil to a smoothie for your breakfast or check out these hemp seed oil recipes to help you keep a check on your weight.
Follow this YouTube channel and get a peek into how you can make the most of the hemp seed oil in cooking.
Hemp seed oil packs your meals with protein
Very often vegetarians and vegans find it difficult to meet protein requirements. Hemp seed oil provides all essential fatty acids (which we’ve been talking about) which are an excellent source of protein. Packed with nutrition and are one the best sources for plant based proteins.
The oil is said to contain all essential amino acids (20 of them), and also each of the 9 amino acids the human body cannot produce. Now you know why hemp seed oil is called the perfect source of protein.
It is a skin-healing oil, and it will treat your acne
You might be thinking that just like other oils, using hemp seed oil on your skin can make it greasy and clog pores on your skin. But actually, hemp seed oil is fabulous for skin and can be easily used for treating acne.
Prepare concoction with neem oil so that your skin also gets rid of any scars. Or you can take a look at what these beauty experts have to say. You can also take a spoon of hemp seed oil daily to get the right amount of linolenic acid for your acne prone skin.
Use a tinge of hemp seed oil to prevent cancer
While we have talked enough about the perfect fatty acid profile of hemp seed oil with EFAs and GLA, there is one more benefit it brings to the table.
It helps balance inflammation and give a boost to your immunity. Additionally, the THC content present in the oil can stop and in some cases reverse certain types of brain cancer.
A report published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment claims that THC can also help healing advanced stage of breast cancer. Consuming hemp seed oil inhibits cancer growth and is considered as one of the best cancer-fighting foods.
Start Using Hemp Seed Oil in Your Daily Regime
Nutrition-packed hemp seed oil is considered to be the best source of plant based protein. We’ve talked about its many health benefits.
It can significantly boost your immunity, cardiovascular health, your digestion, give you a healthier skin, help you lose weight, help you maintain hormonal balance and even keep cancerous cells away.
While you may not need hemp seed oil for everything listed here, you can easily pick the ones which click to you. Remember it’s your health, and you have to be on your toes for it. Go grab it now and bring in the wellness!