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We have all heard how wonderful coconut water is for our health, and even heard of sports professionals and healthy living experts who swear by it as the secret to their health and success.
However, it is likely no one has taken the time to explain to you why coconut water is so beneficial, which can leave you wondering if this is just another “health” scheme to sell you something.
However, there is seemingly no end to the different areas that coconut water can help you achieve a healthy and balanced body, and much of it is backed up by science!
Continue reading for 11 of the benefits of coconut water that you may not have known.
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Upset Stomach? Grab some coconut water
Many different causes can lead to an upset stomach. No matter what caused the ache, the lining of your stomach is inflamed.
Coconut water is beneficial in soothing the irritated lining and help your stomach feel better because it contributes to reducing the inflammation, which allows your stomach to absorb water and nutrients.
Coconut water achieves this with its tannin content. The potassium content in coconut water is much higher than that of bananas, which are a traditional upset stomach remedy.
Because it also can fight infections due to containing lauric acid, drinking coconut water when you have the stomach flu is beneficial.
If you need re-hydrated fast, do it with coconut water
What is more hydrating than pure water. While we want to say “nothing!”, Coconut water is! This may be due in part to the mineral salts found naturally in coconut water. The salts lead to the water being absorbed in a faster rate than pure water.
A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that coconut water is better absorbed than water and more can be consumed.
This hydration method is so effective that it was used in World War II for transfusions, and currently prescribed to first-trimester mothers who are very nauseous.
Replenish and refresh with Coconut Water after a workout
When you engage in strenuous workouts, your body loses many minerals like sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium that your body requires.
If not replaced, your muscles will break down, and you can experience electrolyte imbalance. Because coconut water is very similar to the fluids found in our tissues, absorption is efficient.
Coconut water can achieve all the health benefits of a post-workout drink or supplement with none of the adverse health effects. If you are concerned that there is not enough potassium, add a pinch of sea salt to your post workout drink.
Watch this YouTube video for an easy recipe for making your own coconut water sports drink!
Need to be a bit more regular? Coconut Water will help
It has long been understood that the key to health has regular bowel movements. Whenever you eat, you will ingest many things that are not digestible by the body, which can even include toxins and bacteria.
If you are not drinking enough water or getting enough fiber, you can experience the effects of constipation, and if these bacteria bad toxins are not flushed from the body regularly, your health can suffer.
Coconut water contains nearly 10 percent of soluble fiber needed daily, which can help to encourage and regulate bowel movements. Next time you are suffering from constipation, reach for coconut water and drink as much as you can tolerate.
Lose the weight and keep it off!
While we are not certain what it is about coconut water that causes one to lose and maintain weight loss, there are many prevailing theories.
One reason is that it is low in calories, and can leave you feeling full and satisfied. It also helps to flush your body of toxins, which can reduce water retention and lessen bloating.
More research needs to be done, although in one study done by the Department of Biochemistry at University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, it was found that coconut water can speed up the metabolization of fats.
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Control high blood pressure safely
Potassium, found in coconut water is effective at lowering blood pressure by neutralizing the sodium content found in the body. Too much sodium can lead to water retention, which increases blood volume and thereby pressure.
Besides that, arginine, another ingredient is known to relax blood vessels and improve circulation of blood. Just one cup of coconut water can actually reduce blood pressure and increase circulation.
The West Indian Medical Journal published a study in which 71% of participants had lower blood pressure after implementing coconut water. While more studies are needed, this is promising information.
Safely replenish electrolytes and achieve maximum body function
Kaplan University reported that coconut water is a much better choice than soda or various sugary drinks, and is very effective at replacing lost electrolytes. Our bodies require electrolytes, which are minerals and mineral salts that work to regulate muscle and nerve function in our bodies in order to function efficiently.
We get our electrolytes from the food we eat, although some people experience deficiencies, often recognizable through muscle cramps.
One cup of coconut water a day is all you would need to regain proper electrolyte balance. However, if you strenuously exercise (more than 60 minutes per day) it may not have enough potassium for you.
Help your cells fight against free radicals with a delicious drink
“Free radicals” is the term given to unstable molecules that occur when your body metabolizes cells. If a buildup of free radicals occurs, cells can become damaged leading to an increased risk of developing a disease.
While no studies have been done on human participants to measure the ability of coconut water to fight free radicals, animal research has shown that coconut water was able to neutralize toxins so well that they no longer caused harm.
While we wait for more studies to confirm this theory, it is not a bad idea to protect your body from free radical damage by drinking coconut water.
Manage your diabetes with this health-promoting beverage
Animal research suggests that animals who are diabetic had lowered blood sugar levels when they were given coconut water to drink. Not only that, but they were better able to maintain their sugar levels than those who were not treated with coconut water.
These animals had not just lowered sugar levels, but their A1c had lowered, which is an indicator of long-term control of diabetes. Magnesium, also found in coconut water improves ones sensitivity to insulin, which is helpful for those with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.
Even though human studies have not yet been done, coconut water is a great hydration choice for diabetics.
Support your heart by lowering cholesterol
When studies using animals have been performed the research suggests that coconut water may be beneficial for lowering cholesterol, and thereby heart disease risk.
A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that when rats drank coconut water, their blood cholesterol and triglycerides were reduced. 45 days into the experiment, the rats treated with coconut water had results that were similar to rats given prescription medication.
However, it is of note that the dose required for this kind of result is very high. In fact, a 150 lb individual would need to drink 91 ounces of the water daily to achieve the same results.
Coconut water for no more kidney stones!
It is well established that kidney stones can be prevented by ensuring adequate fluid intake. While water is a viable option, coconut water is perhaps better.
Kidney stones occur when compounds such as calcium and oxalate form crystals in urine. These crystals can then turn into kidney stones.
The research is early, but a study involving rats with kidney stones had fewer crystals in their urine, and the crystals were not able to stick to the kidneys or urinary tract.
Start Getting Your Daily Dose of Coconut Water
There are so many reasons to start implementing coconut water into your daily routine, whether you suffer from any of these conditions or would just like to keep healthy!
It doesn’t take a lot for most of these health benefits, just adding one cup of coconut water a day can be incredible for your health and well-being.
If you do suffer from one of the conditions coconut water can help with, it may be worth it to try coconut water for yourself, as it is such a healthy way to help your body fight for balance.